zendframework:Xajax和Zend Framework的整合

  H.E. Pennypacker


  Registered: 2006-11-13

  Posts: 6

  I am using Zend Framework 0.20 and Xajax 0.5.  I am having issues with a simple hello world example.  I just get the generic "The XML response from the server was invalid.." message so it's not helping at all.  I have a very simple hello world.

  Here is my controller code:

  Code: PHP

HelloWorldController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
 function indexAction
  $xajax = xajax;
  $xajax->registerFunction(.gif' />("doAlert", $this, "doAlert"));
  $view = Zend::registry("view");
  $view->title = "Hello World";
  $view->xajaxJs = $xajax->getJavascript("/js/", "xajax.js");
  echo $view->render("HelloWorld.php");
 function noRouteAction
  echo "No Route!";
 function doAlert
  $objResponse = xajaxResponse;

  Here is the HTML file (HelloWorld.php):

  Code: PHP

<?= $this->xajaxJs; ?>
<title><?= $this->escape($this->title); ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/jog.css" />
<div id="content">
  <h1><?= $this->escape($this->title); ?></h1>
  <input type="button" value="Execute Xajax Alert" _disibledevent=> 0

  I'm just running this off a standard php 5.1.6 wamp ation.  I've tried changing the URI on the xajax instantiation but nothing seems to get this working.  Please, someone help!



  Registered: 2007-02-28

  Posts: 3

  Hi, I had the same problem and found a solution.


  I'm using Zend Framework 0.8.0 and xajax 0.2.4

  我使用是Zend Framework 0.8.0 和 xajax 0.2.4

  After examening processRequests method in the xajax I found out that processRequests is calling the getRequestMode method. This method ed -1 wich means $_POST["xajax"] and $_GET["xajax"] are empty.

  If getRequestMode s -1 it exits before is has done something at all. So this means your Ajax call isn't processed.

  In my this was very logical. In my index.php bootstrap file I had the following two lines.

  Zend::register("post", Zend_Filter_Input($_POST));

  Zend::register("get", Zend_Filter_Input($_GET));

  The $_POST and $_GET .gif' />s are to NULL by Zend_Filter_Input.

  So $_POST["xajax"] will never get to processRequests of the xajax .

  You can resolve this by changing the two lines to the following two lines:

  Zend::register("post", Zend_Filter_Input($_POST, false));

  Zend::register("get", Zend_Filter_Input($_GET, false));

  In this way the $_POST and $_GET .gif' />s are left act.



  From: Ohio, USA

  Registered: 2006-07-14

  Posts: 1331


  Thanks for the post!  I've added this to the tips and tricks section of the wiki.

  // Joe

Tags:  zendframework安装 zendframework教程 zendframework代码 zendframework


