
mysqlhotcopy 提示DBD::mysql::db do failed: File 'not found (Errcode: 24) at /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlhotcopy line 477.
这是因为表的数目过多,有600个表,每个表3个文件,已经超过默认同时打开的文件数目是1024, 备份时需要锁表,导致出错.改my.conf即可.
some answers:
The error (24) means too many files are being open. The default setting is usually determined by the open_files_limit which is 4096 I believe.
OS error code 24: Too many open files
You need to increase open_files_limit.
However, why this is happening is not obvious. You need to watch the
server with innotop or mytop and see what's going on in the
processlist while the dump is happening.
You would need to change this in your my.cnf or startup options
Checking open_files_limit:
> 10:37 (none)> show variables like 'open_files_limit';
> +------------------+-------+
> | Variable_name | Value |
> +------------------+-------+
> | open_files_limit | 4206 |
> +------------------+-------+
> 1 row in set (0.04 sec)
I watched the processlist via mytop during the whole process. mk-
parallel-dump went through each database and did a "show table
status." After it was done with all of the DBs, it went back to the
first database and stopped, showing the same error, although this time
it was a different table and the .frm file was missing for that table
Tags:  mysql打开


