
using ;
using .Collections;
using .ComponentModel;
using .Drawing;
using .Data;
using .Windows.Forms;
using .Diagnostics;

/// <summary>
/// Summary description for VSNetButton.
/// </summary>
public XPButton : .Windows.Forms.Button

bool gotFocus = false;
bool mouseDown = false;
bool mouseEnter = false;
bool useDisableImage = true;

public XPButton
SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaingInWmPa|ControlStyles.UserPa|ControlStyles.Opaque, true);

public bool UseDisableImage


useDisableImage = value;


protected override void _disibledevent=>
( mouseDown )
DrawSelectedState(g, ColorUtil.VSNetPressedColor);

DrawSelectedState(g, ColorUtil.VSNetSelectionColor);
( Enabled )


protected override void _disibledevent=>base.OnMouseEnter(e);


protected override void _disibledevent=>base.OnMouseLeave(e);

protected override void _disibledevent=>

// Don\'t call base
// it makes the paing to screw up
mouseDown = true;

protected override void _disibledevent=>Invalidate;

protected override void _disibledevent=>Invalidate;

protected override void _disibledevent=>Invalidate;

protected void DrawNormalState(Graphics g)
Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;
// Draw background
g.FillRectangle( SolidBrush(Colors.Control), rc);

( Image != null )
SizeF sizeF = Image.PhysicalDimension;
imageWidth = ()sizeF.Width;
imageHeight = ()sizeF.Height;

// We are assuming that the button image is smaller than
// the button itself
( imageWidth > rc.Width || imageHeight > rc.Height)
Debug.WriteLine(\"Image dimensions need to be smaller that button\'s dimension...\");

x = (Width - imageWidth)/2;
y = (Height - imageHeight)/2;

g.DrawImage(Image, x, y, imageWidth, imageHeight);

protected void DrawDisableState(Graphics g)
// Draw disable image
Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;
// Erase whaterver that was there before
g.FillRectangle( SolidBrush(Colors.Control), rc);
// Draw border rectangle
g.DrawRectangle( Pen( SolidBrush(Colors.ControlDark)),
rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width-1, rc.Height-1);

// Draw disable image
( Image != null )
SizeF sizeF = Image.PhysicalDimension;
imageWidth = ()sizeF.Width;
imageHeight = ()sizeF.Height;

// We are assuming that the button image is smaller than
// the button itself
( imageWidth > rc.Width || imageHeight > rc.Height)
Debug.WriteLine(\"Image dimensions need to be smaller that button\'s dimension...\");

x = (Width - imageWidth)/2;
y = (Height - imageHeight)/2;
ControlPa.DrawImageDisabled(g, Image, x, y, Colors.Control);



protected void DrawSelectedState(Graphics g, Color selColor)
Rectangle rc = ClientRectangle;
// Erase whaterver that was there before
g.FillRectangle( SolidBrush(selColor), rc);
// Draw border rectangle
g.DrawRectangle( Pen( SolidBrush(Colors.Highlight)),
rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width-1, rc.Height-1);

// Draw image
( Image != null )
SizeF sizeF = Image.PhysicalDimension;
imageWidth = ()sizeF.Width;
imageHeight = ()sizeF.Height;

// We are assuming that the button image is smaller than
// the button itself
( imageWidth > rc.Width || imageHeight > rc.Height)
Debug.WriteLine(\"Image dimensions need to be smaller that button\'s dimension...\");

x = (Width - imageWidth)/2;
y = (Height - imageHeight)/2;

gap = 1;
( selColor != ColorUtil.VSNetPressedColor )
// Draw disable image first to produce the popping image effect
( useDisableImage )
ControlPa.DrawImageDisabled(g, Image, x, y, Colors.Control);

gap = 0;

gap = 0;
g.DrawImage(Image, x-gap, y-gap, imageWidth, imageHeight);




Tags:  xp风格包 按钮风格 windowsxp源代码 xp源代码


