mingw,How to use MinGW Cross Compiler on Fedora

Required environment _disibledevent=>Fedora 10 i386
  • Fedora 10 x86-64
  • Rawhide i386
  • Rawhide x86-64
  • In this site, some particular packages are covered as well as rebuild version of RPM/SRPMs found in Fedora development FTP site.
    Also, it would be better to install tools related to development software. If you don't have all of typical development tools _disibledevent=>Go to top

    Configure Wine for MinGW Cross Compile environment

    Wine is used for executing Win32 .exe files generated by MinGW Cross Compile environment. If you don't have Wine _disibledevent=>
    figure : Wine executed at the first time
    For modifying PATH variable _disibledevent=>MinGW/Configure wine - FedoraProject Or, you can modify registry of Wine by regedit.
    $ regedit &
    WineexecutesHow to use MinGW Cross Compiler _disibledevent=>Go to top</a><br/> <a name="link"></a><br/> <h4>Related Links</h4> <ol> <li>MinGW - FedoraProject</li> <li>WineHQ - Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD and Mac OS X</li> </ol> 
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