
use Northwind select top 10 * from employees where employeeId not in (select top 1 employeeId from employees order by employeeID) order by employeeID [阅读全文] [PDF]
mysql:select * from tablename order by rand() limit 10sqlserver:select top 10 * from tablename order by NEWID()ORACLE:使用dbmsrandomvalue的一种方法 SQL>select*from(select*fromtorderbydbms_random.value)whererownum<10; A ---------- 39 101 134 5 83 97 96 140 81 已选择9行。SQL>select*fro [阅读全文] [PDF]
已知数据:Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4A 10 am 1999-01-01 00:00:00.000A 11 am 1999-01-02 00:00:00.000B 12 bm 1999-01-03 00:00:00.000B 13 bm 1999-01-04 00:00:00.000C 14 cm 1999-01-05 00:00:00.000C 15 cm 1999-01-06 00:00:00.000要求得到数据:Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4A 11 am 1999-01-02 00 [阅读全文] [PDF]
mysql:select * from tablename order by rand() limit 10sqlserver:select top 10 * from tablename order by NEWID()ORACLE:使用dbmsrandomvalue的一种方法 SQL>select*from(select*fromtorderbydbms_random.value)whererownum<10; A ---------- 39 101 134 5 83 97 96 140 81 已选择9行。SQL>select*fro [阅读全文] [PDF]
解决数据库中记录重复问题 (By:aloxy) Jul 22, 11:19 --产品数据重复统计SELECT mc, userid, COUNT(mc) AS Expr1FROM chanpinGROUP BY mc, userid--将不重复的纪录插入新表newchanpinselect * into #Tmp1 from chanpingoselect min(ID) as autoID into #Tmp2 from #Tmp1 group by mc, useridgoselect * into newchanpin from #T [阅读全文] [PDF]
<%\"一个从数据库中随机读取纪录的例子 Set Rs1=server.CreateObject (\"adodb.recordset\") Set Rs=server.CreateObject (\"ADODB.RECORDSET\") SQL=\"Select id from Article order by id desc\" rs.Open sql,dataconn,3,3 If not rs.EOF then total=rs(\"id\") \"取最大的ID rs.Close Randomize R=Int((total - 1+ 1) [阅读全文] [PDF]
This article Generates a password random, Requires a database and Mails the Password. <%@language=\"vbscript\" %>******************************<% \'code by Manikantan\'Web Developer \'3rd Agenda\'Nungambakkam, Chennai India %><% set mail= server.CreateObject(\"cdont [阅读全文] [PDF]
SELECT TOP n * FROM table_name ORDER BY NEWID()top n,n就是要取出的记录数 [阅读全文] [PDF]
<%@ Language = VBSCRIPT %><% Option Explicit %><%rem 在asp中通过getrows实现数据库记录分页的一段代码Dim iStart, iOffsetiStart = Request(\"Start\")iOffset = Request(\"Offset\")if Not IsNumeric(iStart) or Len(iStart) = 0 then iStart = 0else iStart = CInt(iStart)end ifif Not IsNumeric( [阅读全文] [PDF]
数据库中的数据要最终显示给用户,就要使用数据约束控件,比如前面所使用的文本框以及VB所提供的其他普通约束数据控件,VB中还提供了多种高级约束数据控件,其中包括:高级约束数据网格控件(DBGrid)、高级约束列表控件(DBList)和高级约束组合框控件(DBCombo)。在默认的工具箱中,尚未加入这些控件,要使用它们,首先要先引用它们:右键点击工具箱选择“部件”,点击“Microsoft Data Bound Grid Control”复选框来加入网格控件,点击“Microsoft Data Bound List Controls 5.0”加入列表控件和组合 [阅读全文] [PDF]
数据库中的数据要最终显示给用户,就要使用数据约束控件,比如前面所使用的文本框以及vb所提供的其他普通约束数据控件,vb中还提供了多种高级约束数据控件,其中包括:高级约束数据网格控件(dbgrid)、高级约束列表控件(dblist)和高级约束组合框控件(dbcombo)。在默认的工具箱中,尚未加入这些控件,要使用它们,首先要先引用它们:右键点击工具箱选择“部件”,点击“microsoft data bound grid control”复选框来加入网格控件,点击“microsoft data bound list controls 5.0”加入列表控件和组合 [阅读全文] [PDF]
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