

首页 »VB教程 » vb数据库教程:用VB6读写数据库中的图片-vb教程 »正文


来源: 发布时间:星期四, 2009年2月12日 浏览:314次 评论:0

相关图片为例介绍说明数据库为Access有如下字段:Name char,picture OLE object,FileLength
Number当为ms sql时将picture改为lob即可
2举例包含control:commom dialog,picture,listbox
Option Explicit

Private Declare Function GetTempFileName Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetTempFileNameA\" (ByVal lpszPath As
String, ByVal lpPrefixString As String, ByVal wUnique As Long, ByVal lpTempFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetTempPath Lib \"kernel32\" Alias \"GetTempPathA\" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long,
ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long
Private Const MAX_PATH = 260

Private m_DBConn As ADODB.Connection

Private Const BLOCK_SIZE = 10000
注释: Return a temporary file name.
Private Function TemporaryFileName As String
Dim temp_path As String
Dim temp_file As String
Dim length As Long

注释: Get the temporary file path.
temp_path = Space$(MAX_PATH)
length = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, temp_path)
temp_path = Left$(temp_path, length)

注释: Get the file name.
temp_file = Space$(MAX_PATH)
GetTempFileName temp_path, \"per\", 0, temp_file
TemporaryFileName = Left$(temp_file, InStr(temp_file, Chr$(0)) - 1)
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load
Dim db_file As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Record

注释: Get the database file name.
db_file = App.Path
If Right$(db_file, 1) <> \"\" Then db_file = db_file & \"\"
db_file = db_file & \"dbpict.mdb\"

注释: Open the database connection.
Set m_DBConn = New ADODB.Connection
m_DBConn.Open _
\"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;\" & _
\"Data Source=\" & db_file & \";\" & _
\"Persist Security Info=False\"

注释: Get the list of people.
Set rs = m_DBConn.Execute(\"SELECT Name FROM People ORDER BY Name\", , adCmdText)
Do While Not rs.EOF
lstPeople.AddItem rs!Name

Set rs = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize
lstPeople.Height = ScaleHeight
End Sub

注释: Display the clicked person.
Private Sub lstPeople_Click
Dim rs As ADODB.Record
Dim s As Byte
Dim file_name As String
Dim file_num As Integer
Dim file_length As Long
Dim num_blocks As Long
Dim left_over As Long
Dim block_num As Long
Dim hgt As Single

picPerson.Visible = False
Screen.MousePoer = vbHourglass

注释: Get the record.
Set rs = m_DBConn.Execute(\"SELECT * FROM People WHERE Name=注释:\" & _
lstPeople.Text & \"注释:\", , adCmdText)
If rs.EOF Then Exit Sub

注释: Get a temporary file name.
file_name = TemporaryFileName

注释: Open the file.
file_num = FreeFile
Open file_name For Binary As #file_num

注释: Copy the data o the file.
file_length = rs!FileLength
num_blocks = file_length / BLOCK_SIZE
left_over = file_length Mod BLOCK_SIZE

For block_num = 1 To num_blocks
s = rs!Picture.GetChunk(BLOCK_SIZE)
Put #file_num, , s
Next block_num

If left_over > 0 Then
s = rs!Picture.GetChunk(left_over)
Put #file_num, , s
End If

Close #file_num

注释: Display the picture file.
picPerson.Picture = LoadPicture(file_name)
picPerson.Visible = True

Width = picPerson.Left + picPerson.Width + Width - ScaleWidth
hgt = picPerson.Top + picPerson.Height + Height - ScaleHeight
If hgt < 1440 Then hgt = 1440
Height = hgt

Kill file_name
Screen.MousePoer = vbDefault
End Sub

Private Sub mnuRecordAdd_Click
Dim rs As ADODB.Record
Dim person_name As String
Dim file_num As String
Dim file_length As String
Dim s As Byte
Dim num_blocks As Long
Dim left_over As Long
Dim block_num As Long

person_name = InputBox(\"Name\")
If Len(person_name) = 0 Then Exit Sub

dlgPicture.Flags = _
cdlOFNFileMustExist Or _
cdlOFNHideReadOnly Or _
dlgPicture.CancelError = True
dlgPicture.Filter = \"Graphics Files|*.bmp;*.ico;*.jpg;*.g\"

On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number = cdlCancel Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox \"Error \" & Format$(Err.Number) & _
\" selecting file.\" & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End If

注释: Open the picture file.
file_num = FreeFile
Open dlgPicture.FileName For Binary Access Read As #file_num

file_length = LOF(file_num)
If file_length > 0 Then
num_blocks = file_length / BLOCK_SIZE
left_over = file_length Mod BLOCK_SIZE

Set rs = New ADODB.Record
rs.CursorType = adOpenKey
rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rs.Open \"Select Name, Picture, FileLength FROM People\", m_DBConn

rs!Name = person_name
rs!FileLength = file_length

For block_num = 1 To num_blocks
Get #file_num, , s

rs!Picture.AppendChunk s
Next block_num

If left_over > 0 Then
ReDim s(left_over)
Get #file_num, , s
rs!Picture.AppendChunk s
End If

Close #file_num

lstPeople.AddItem person_name
lstPeople.Text = person_name
End If
End Sub





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